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Our vision – Affordable energy and water for everyone

Cuculus is the key to providing utilities to all, while protecting the world’s precious resources. We provide cutting-edge software and technology solutions that address utility challenges worldwide.

  • Our values

Friendship is at the centre of what we do

We enjoy cultivating respectful and trustworthy relationships with our partners, clients, and other players in the market.

Illustration open and friendly attitude between employee, partners and clients
the flying cuckoo from our origin
  • Our story

Where Cuculus began

Why can’t we apply innovative ideas to use available resources more efficiently? This question got us thinking about how to “free up” services to millions of people. We decided: “Let’s start with Wifi, which is available nearly everywhere, and make that seamlessly available for everyone at any time using existing Wifi-routers in private homes.” …


When we (Gunnar and René) developed this goal in 2007 at Ilmenau University of Technology in the middle of Germany’s Thuringian forest, the idea for a new company was born. Creating a business plan led to many sleepless nights sketching out possible solutions and developing a prototype to demonstrate the power of our idea. But we’re passionate engineers and software developers, and we had a vision. In the end, we had a plan for our company and a small software that could be remotely installed on millions of Wifi routers and connect them automatically to a virtual wifi network. In those days, mobile data was still extremely expensive and very slow compared to Wifi. Our software created a faster and cheaper wifi network that everyone could use. By placing a small piece of software on existing devices, without touching any hardware ourselves, we enabled something new, powerful, and useful for many people. Our first customers said it reminded them of a Cuckoo, a bird that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. We loved it, and the Latin name for the Cuckoo became the basis of our name: “Cuculus”. We see the Cuckoo as a smart and inventive bird, who like our company, uses resources that are already available in a new and innovative way.
Now, the idea of guest hotspots on Wifi routers and Wifi sharing among customers of a network operator or internet service provider is common. The market was very competitive for a small start-up, so Cuculus had to innovate and be flexible. Soon we realised we could extend our service platform into other applications, like home security and home energy management. These markets were fairly new, and the reaction was overwhelming. Very soon we were approached by companies that produced smart meters and communications solutions for smart meters. They wanted to know, if we could control millions of Wifi-routers, could we also control millions of smart meters? We were young and hungry for a challenge, so we said: YES. That’s the whole story! We’ve specialised in software for utilities for years. Without working utility infrastructure, societies cannot function properly or evolve to deal with the challenges of today’s world. We’re passionate about the utility space and dedicated to improving utility software by applying new and innovative ideas.
Now, Cuculus is a key component in the lifeblood of societies worldwide. We have 15 years of experience developing enterprise software for the utility sector. We have the biggest team dedicated to the “smart” side of the utility world, like smart metering, smart city, smart grid, and so on.

  • Our team

We’re international, diverse, and inclusive

The Cuculus team includes ambitious, talented, and industry-leading experts that help our customers on their business journey. We believe our core strength comes from our team’s diversity. We aren’t the largest company, but we’re specialists in our topic – the utility sector.

The Cuculus Team is international, diverse and inclusive
Graphic international jobs at cuculus
  • Open positions

Join the Cuculus family

People, talent, and culture shape great companies. That’s our belief at Cuculus. Send us a message; we’d love to welcome you to the Cuculus family!

  • Sustainability commitment

Protecting our world’s resources

Protecting our world’s resources is at the heart of what we do. Climate change cannot be mitigated without the best possible solutions offered to utilities in order to reduce the resource usage.  
René, our CEO, says, “Fulfilling the objectives of the Paris agreement is a big challenge. Only bold steps will enable us to achieve the sustainable future. Making energy, water and gas infrastructures smarter is a crucial one to make this happen.”

sustainable energy from pinwheels
  • Our memberships 

Global collaboration with top organisations

We strive to bring the best utility solutions to the market. We believe collaboration through global technology alliances is the best way for us to achieve this goal.

We’re a member of a wide range of certifications, forums, organisations, and associations that provide the opportunity to not only actively participate in the development of the energy sector but also to drive technology improvements as we look towards the future.

Logo WiSUN Alliance
Logo WITS Water Industry Telemetry Standards
Logo STS Association
logo bne Mitglied im Bundesverband Neuer Energieanbieter
Logo dlms device language messsage specification
Logo FNN Forum Netztechnik/Netzbetrieb im VDE
Logo ESMIG We make Energy Smart
Logo smartEn Smart Energy Europe
Logo WiSUN Alliance
Logo WITS Water Industry Telemetry Standards
Logo STS Association
logo bne Mitglied im Bundesverband Neuer Energieanbieter
Logo dlms device language messsage specification
Logo FNN Forum Netztechnik/Netzbetrieb im VDE
Logo ESMIG We make Energy Smart
Logo smartEn Smart Energy Europe