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  • ZONOS Modules

The software modules you need for project flexibility

As an extension of the ZONOS IoT Platform, our modules provide seamless integration with existing system landscapes and allow you to gain additional functionalities on your project. The ZONOS Modules enable you to provide a complete end-to-end solution to customers while also ensuring easy adaption to new requirements and future business goals.

The ZONOS Modules attach seamless to the core
  • ZONOS Modules 

Easily adapt to new system requirements and business goals with our flexible ZONOS modules

woman controls multiple data analysis reports

ZONOS ReportPlus

Process an unlimited number of reports

Customise your analytics and reporting for all data types collected by ZONOS

various user-friendly data visualisations charts for utility customers

ZONOS PortalBasic

Provide transparency about usage

Create user-friendly visualisations for utility customers

easy software integration into your current utility systems

ZONOS EasyConnect

Seamless integration with current utility systems

Integrate ZONOS with any pre-existing system landscape currently in use

man filters and manages complex energy event flows easily

ZONOS EventFlow

Manage events successfully

Reduce the complexity of huge event flows through proper management

woman reads digitalised data from traditional optical meters on her smart phone

ZONOS MobileRead

Digitalise traditional meters

Easily digitalise the optical meter readings of conventional meters

ZONOS FullProtect

ZONOS FullProtect

Gain turnkey security

Full-grade security protection with a Key Management Solution (KMS) and connected to any Public key Infrastructure (PKI)

utility customer walks relaxed into the future with precise energy data forecasts

ZONOS TheFuture

Precise forecasting data 

Receive a highly accurate forecast package based on a current and past-time data series

Intelligent forecasts for the next day of critical infrastructure energy data

ZONOS 24insight

Know what will happen tomorrow

Intelligent forecasting for short-term predictions allows the feeding of a wide range of critical infrastructure applications


Customer paying the energy bills

ZONOS CollectAll

Protect your revenue

Protect your revenue with billing, vending, and settlement functionalities

  • Get in Touch

Talk with a Cuculus technology specialist today.

Lars Molske
Director Product Management

Lars Photo for www_1