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  • Enabling the future of energy

Building software capabilities for various applications

For energy, water and gas.

Private user Smart Metering for Residential use

Smart Metering

Cuculus Smart Grid managing critical infrastructure for smart cities

Smart Grid

Cuculus Revenue Protection

Revenue Protection

  • Smart Metering

Connecting millions of smart meters and processing billions of data sets per day

Illustration Private user with for Residential Smart Metering

Smart Residential Metering

Utility companies must remain cost-efficient and avoid logins to certain meter vendors when managing large volumes of residential meters. We offer solutions that cover the management of meters, connectivity, and data and customer applications.

Business consumer manages and controls smart meters in industrial and commercial scenarios.

Industrial Metering

We support the immense functionality required to configure, manage, and control meters used in industrial and commercial applications scenarios. Our solutions provide utility companies with high-grade security capabilities to protect critical resources.

Illustration multiple Submeters for Industrial or Residential sub units


We provide end-to-end solutions with the capability to read and control meters – even beyond the utility company’s operated meter. Our technology gathers the information necessary to create accurate invoices that the landlord can bill to his customers.

Explore more

The ZONOS IoT Platform for Meter Data Management (MDM) and Head End System (HES).

  • Smart Grid for utility providers

Balancing the grid by controlling producers and consumers

Illustration Cuculus helps building the Smart Grid of a new era

Distribution Management

Distribution management is complex and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. We provide innovative solutions to manage your low, mid, and high-voltage grid by connecting your specific use case with real-time measurements from the grid.

Demand Response

We measure, analyse, and create responsive solutions to your unique use case. Our solutions easily control and manage distributed energy sources from both producers and consumers by leveraging measured data and artificial intelligence (AI) for informed decisions.

  • Revenue Protection

Protecting the critical and financial assets of utility companies

Illustration Our utility solutions support energy pre-payment and deliver vending capabilities


Our solutions support pre-payment and deliver vending capabilities. We enable your customers to pay at the next vending machine, at your service desk, by ATM, mobile phone, or with any third-party vending provider. Our solution is that flexible!

Illustration Billing Solution form consumption, production, to create billing values and ensure the energy consumer receives the invoice.


We offer classical post-payment options that can be perfectly combined with sub-metering solutions. We measure consumption, production, and create billing values. We ensure the user receives a paper or digital invoice.

Illustration utility solution for large payment settlements between market players.


For large payment settlements between market players, our settlement solution is very flexible, supporting various degrees of “unbundling” in the market.

Explore the Module:

ZONOS CollectAll to protect your revenue with billing, vending, and settlement functionalities.

  • Get in Touch

Talk with a Cuculus technology specialist today

Lars Molske
Director Product Management

Lars Photo for www_1